Sometimes the after effects of meeting different forms of shapes and sizes can be so amazingly repelling that you become this story you have always wanted to be your entire life...
We keep on creating stories as we meet the people of different class society culture and what not... nation state town city - different genre of music books movies all of it... every other person makes you want to join them in the ride and forget about your old and boring story to begin a new exciting one ..
You almost all the time unknowingly are seeking for pleasure in every act that you perform… You seek immortal happiness despite the fact that seasons change… Despite the very simple fact that change is constant you hold onto the present trying it to be the forever ... Trying very hard to let the story be the same… And trying very hard so that the happily ever after comes sooner than it actually should. You don't like the plainer stories... the plain old apartment - the plain spouse… the plain job - It has to be exquisite... you want to be the star of your story and yet the story wants the charm of the old school of thought- where everyone loves everyone and anyone can be someone.
You yearn for the plain happiness - the story of a beautiful family - the ‘close-knit family’ - the peaceful dinners and then sleep- the peaceful sleep.
And yet you choose to be stuck in the rush - in the money making... no one wants to live in the suburbs... you want the rush of the most happening place in the state, every minute planning the next step - of how to get the next best thing! Well doesn't sound well - when every minute you want what the other has got, when every minute your perception of living changes - when the rat race becomes the horse race- when your beliefs become too small for the “Chatteraati”- You crib about your own decisions and the way people are living today, you no longer are enjoying the story that you wrote for yourself - The tragedy is that you don’t have an undo button..
You don’t have an option of time travel – as much as you would want.
The ‘You’ that you are now – is no longer satisfied even with the snatched or maybe well-deserved promotion that you have. You no longer can get your plain life back – coz you have already painted your story with the colours of the beautiful rush, the piercingly dominating rush which does not even let you attend your sibling’s marriage.
So what do you lack? Patience – and what do you have in abundance – Ignorance
Patience is the virtue by which everything becomes at par – life seems at pace with your thoughts and rushing towards tomorrow generally disappears - and ignorance is the virtue which would help you live happily ever after in the delusion of perfect tomorrow.
The happily ever after that you want is FYI never the end- and the story that you are trying to write so hard has no end – and of course the story within the story is the story we all look for – the best way of living it would be to stop trying so hard to write it –
and just throw some colours of thoughts and emotions here and there and fill the blank canvas with the colours that have not even been invented as yet –Break free and fly towards the everlasting sky where no story engulfs you – and nobody bothers you!