Nov 15, 2012

Flash of light

I don't belong to the God's world or the mortal world. I live in an entirely different plane of time and dimension. There is nothing that stops me from believing that the plane that I belong to - there at least I know everything.

Coloured in the nest of the soul lies a deep meaning of the regret and remorse. The tears that seep down my face every time those faces float in my mind are not the tears of sorrow or joy. They are the tears of my pointless meanderings and loss.

Brimming with thoughts and the feelings tagged with them, they entangle me in the journey so oblique and far fetched that nothing seems to make sense anymore.
The surface says it does not have to make sense and the deep insides say that it all makes sense - just am that shallow never to realize the true essence of it.

So, it could be true that which my depth says. It could be true that which my surface says. My surface, it's scarred and my insides are well preserved in layers, and layers of eras, centuries and generations of wisdom, love and life.
My surface is the reason I live, though there are better ways to do so. It still is the best shield that I have got.

The one who is unaware of his own powers, and depths. My life remains to be his ordeal. To remind him of his powers and to help him come out of these realms of worldliness.
I was rewarded everything but patience and it remained and remains to be a pathetic problem of the surface.

I opened the doorway to this beautiful light and I have to pass through this blazing light to be able to master it and master it well. People say, there is no light, no master, no slave, no sin and no pain. People are right. There is no light. There is only darkness of the soul, for we live in it. The light is only a flash in the storm. There is no master, only a guide. There is no slave, only a follower, who follows until he becomes the guide. There is no sin, for every act is one. You cannot classify it. Every act of yours is a sin. There is no pain for except that in the mind and on the body that you feel. But, all that happens to the body and the surface of the mind is unreal.

Unreal is what we live. Real is far out of our reach. No one will talk about the real ever, even those who know about it. You'll see in their eyes a different flame and you'll question it and you'll not get it - unable to withstand its blazing and intense light you might look away. But, that flame continues to burn for it's real, more real than anything else. And that power knows Reality.

People say don't think about the past or the future, live in the present. Wrong. I say live in the past, present and the future. But learn to bring yourself back to your own self after the day's journey in past, present and future.

Everyday remember something sad and beautiful that belongs to the past. Everyday memorize little bit of the present and breathe life into it. Everyday plan a little something for the future. That is living. More of an omnipresence of the mind which either way it is custom-ed to do, for the mind never rests and so the light that you seek goes on to be intense in the darkness of the soul.

Swallow the Unreal. Leap into the darkness. Strive for the light hidden in it and burn with the blazing flame and become the Reality - seep into this darkness to discover the true nature of the Reality. Universe beckons us - you, me, and everyone.

We are all heading towards the Dark Reality and the Unreal Light.